The best month and quarter in the history of TIM SA
Preliminary estimates show that September and the third quarter of 2017 brought the highest turnover since the establishment of TIM SA in 1987 – PLN 61.8 million and PLN 173.2 million, respectively. The revenues from sales after 9 months of 2017 amounted to almost PLN 471.9 million. The dynamics of online sales are ahead of the dynamics of total turnover in TIM, which means that the real flood of investment is ahead of us.
The revenues of TIM SA from the e-commerce channel in September 2017 amounted to PLN 43.4 million, which means 11.6% increase compared to September 2016. The total turnover of the company in September 2017 was higher by 7.0% compared to the same period in 2016.
“We sell products mainly for modernization, servicing or small investments via e-commerce. Goods for large investments are sold offline – through RFQ, tenders, etc. Therefore, the fact that the dynamics of total sales were overgrown by the dynamics of online sales proves that the investments have not really started yet. I expect a real flood of investments not earlier than at the end of the fourth quarter of 2017, and a significant increase in investments should take place next year,” comments Krzysztof Folta, president of the management board of TIM SA.
It follows from the preliminary data published on December 18, 2017 by the Central Statistics Office that the construction and assembly production (in constant prices), including investment-related and repair works, completed in the country by construction companies hiring more than 9 workers, in September 2017 was 15.5% higher than the year before (compared to the 15.3% decrease in September last year) and 11.0% higher compared to August this year. Without the impact of seasonal factors, the construction and assembly production was about 17.9% higher than in September last year and 0.3% lower compared to August this year. In the period from January to September 2017, the construction and assembly production was 13% higher than the year before.
“The September result of TIM is especially pleasing, as it is a very good sign for the last quarter of 2017 and for the whole year 2018. The third quarter of 2017 will also go down in history as the best year in the company’s history. I hope that the fourth quarter will be even better,” says Krzysztof Folta.